Saturday, 14 June 2014

DEBUT POST: Lipstick Runner

Why write a blog about lipstick and running you may be wondering?

I can nip that one in the bud straight away by defining what this space will be about. It will be less about lipstick, (I just generally have an addiction to it) and it will be more about (yes you guessed it) running.

It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to begin this ‘blogger venture’. Over the last couple of years, I have seen more and more blogs crop up as a portal for people to share their passions, travel, pets, work and hey, some even their whole life! Being a journalist graduate working in PR has also meant having a close eye on this section of the web, so much so that I can put my hands up to YouTubing a hair tutorial on how to create a fish tail plait (it’s really hard!) and to even learning how to carry out squats and sit ups properly.

It is the reasons above that mustered up my courage to write this post and to start this new adventure. An adventure that is all about two true loves in my life (after my fiancé, family and friends of course) and that is fitness and healthy living.

It’s fair to say that I have dipped in and out of running since I gave up my county level training as a 100m sprinter at the tender age of 16. My Mother will be the first to tell everyone this was a huge mistake and one I will regret. I still, however, don’t. I guess you could say my teenage curiosity got the better of me – watching my friends go to house parties and stay out late whilst I went to training and competitions got the better of me and so I ditched the sprints for a social life. I went on to University to study journalism and throughout my studies there would have occasionally been a jog round the block but nothing more (cider & black and 50p shots were further up the priority list at that age) and I did opt for the odd squash class now and then.

It wasn’t until I had graduated, carried out work placements in PR and landed my first paid internship that I moved up to London, trainers in tow, to start a new life and one that would involve running again.

Since that day, I have and continue to take part in all sorts of races (5Ks, 10Ks, 10 miles & half marathons) pushing my strength and running ability to faster times and more efficient running. Am I addicted? Slightly. The feeling after a run is what keeps me hooked and clocking off PBs is a thrill I want to have again and again.

Running has also developed another addiction in me and that is healthy living. I am one to seek the nutritional value in my food (don’t roll your eyes) but I also am one to gorge on a Domino’s Pizza after a few too many gins at 4am (again, don’t roll your eyes). Life is there to be lived and I strive for my body to be a portal of good health but also happiness (and that happiness just sometimes might be in the form of a king size Snickers).

I want to share my developments, training & learning with you, my reader. Here you will begin to find a whole host of posts on training updates, top kit picks, the best nutrition and also in-depth race reviews all written by myself. So, if you want to know what Reading Half Marathon was like before entering, you will find it here. If you want to know what sports bra is right for you, you will find it here. If you want to know how to fit in a decent training schedule around long working hours, you will find it here.

In fact, I want Lipstick Runner to eventually become a health & fitness hub, with road running at the heart of it.

On that note, sit back, get that cuppa and enjoy watching Lipstick Runner unfold. You can also find my daily ramblings and snaps on my social media channels too so be sure to get following!

INSTAGRAM: @lipstick_runner

Oh and before I go, here I actually am - then and now - in running mode!

Thanks for tuning in!

Lipstick Runner

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