Monday, 1 September 2014

KIT PICKS: Decathlon Haul

Decathlon is a place I never get to visit. I haven't lived near one and the only time I got to experience it was years ago on a holiday in France. I'm in Essex for the next week having some time off work with family and on Saturday, my fiancé and I were driving to Tesco when we drove past a Decathlon. 'I NEED TO GO IN THERE' was my demand and despite having a boot full of freezer food, I made him take me.

As soon as I walked in, I straight away picked up a long sleeved skin on a promo stand at the entrance and was gawping at all the cycling accessories. This place was huge and I was tempted to spend a lot of money. In the last few years where fitness and exercise has taken up a big part of my life, I have found my wardrobe of sports gear now outweighs my wardrobe of normal clothes. Slightly worrying I know...

Anyway, I'm in wedding saving mode for the next year and this is always at the front of my mind. I am trying my hardest to avoid purchases because I 'want' them and instead am only making purchases because I 'need' them. I definitely didn't hesitate to pick up a few essentials that I 'needed' (yes needed - definitely not wanted).

Wed'ze Flowfit Base Layer, £9.99
Yes, this was what I picked up the moment I stepped in the store, but it looked so snug! I have been thinking about clothing when cycling during winter time and I reckon my morning cycles will become very chilly! I guess if weather is icy, I may steer clear of cycling to work but for days where I will, this breathable skin will keep my upper body nice and warm. I think it is meant for snowboarders so hopefully I don't need to layer up when wearing this too! I can see myself also opting for this for those snowy days out on the long winter runs.

Kalenji TS Ladies Running Top, £3.99
OK, I maybe didn't 'need' this but I go through running tops like no tomorrow and so when I saw this for £3.99 I couldn't resist a bargain. It's super thin and lightweight so more suited for summer running but it will also be great for winter running to wear over a long sleeved base layer. Bright and visible too so handy for both running and cycling!

B'Twin MTB 700 Gloves, £11.99
For weeks, I have been meaning to purchase some gloves for cycling. Twice now I have been caught out cycling in torrential downpours and despite it being summer, my hands turned icy cold and I was struggling to brake as the handles get really slippy (I cycle a road bike and I do find braking harder than on a hybrid at times). These gloves I saw on a hand mannequin (is that the right thing to call it?) and knew they'd be perfect. I wanted a pair to cover the tips of my fingers and most there did not. These however are lightweight, flexible and provide grip in all the right places. I couldn't find them anywhere on the shelf but Dan luckily found a small size hidden with other brands available.

B'Twin 550 Water Bottle, £2.99
Just because you can never have too many water bottles right? Most of mine have the middle cut out which are great for running as they are easier to hold but I wanted a standard one for the bike. I never like to invest lots of money in these sorts of things (and why should you frankly) so I found this a great opportunity to snap one up at a cheap price.

So there we have it. My Decathlon essentials. I'm very proud of myself for walking away spending under £30! I could have quite easily have purchased a lot more, including swimming costumes, new goggles, a cycling jacket and padded shorts. However, I might have to save these until next time.

For more information on Decathlon, visit the UK website HERE.

Lipstick Runner.

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