Thursday, 4 June 2015

TRAINING UPDATE: The final week

Apologies for the quiet front on here. It seems rather sloppy of me but I have been drowning in work, wedding and triathlon training. It has all seemed tricky to juggle, especially as I have taken on a new job at work, but I am glad to have made it to the final week before I début in multi sport at Blenheim Palace Triathlon.

I cannot believe how quickly this moment has cropped up! Its nuts to think over six months ago I bit the bullet and entered my first triathlon. Back then, I could barely swim a 25m length front crawl and I was shattered from my 4.5 mile cycle commute to work. Fast forward to now and I cannot believe how far I have come. I can now swim in open waters (not super confidently but I can make it round that's for sure), have reached 1K front crawl without stopping in the pool and I can cycle up to 30 miles comfortably. I have also successful mastered brick training and completed a duathlon.

Despite feeling content with all that I have achieved, I know a triathlon is very different and will test my endurance, strength and focus. I know I can complete all three disciplines separately but the test will be putting them all together in a row, back-to-back. Deep down I can do it, I just don't know how fast. Racing with 100 other people terrifies me! The swim is going to be mental and I am a little concerned with the bike and the narrow paths we will be cycling on.

Still though, whatever happens I am so happy with how far I have come and what I have achieved. I never imagined I would reach this level of fitness and also feel addicted to it! I am so glad I have adopted multi sport training. I love mixing up my exercise. By flipping between running, cycling and swimming I'm never bored of any of them and in fact, each one has helped benefit me in the other. Swimming has helped me to engage my core which has improved my running speed and cycling up hills each day and has helped me run up them better too!

All in all, I am ready and raring to go. With one week until the big day, I will now begin the taper. I am planning on doing a gentle run and a casual swim in the lead up to keep the body active but will ensure to reserve my energy for the race!

My next report will be my race overview. Eeep!

Wish me luck!

Lipstick Runner. 

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